8-Step Finishing ChecklistFinishing music is hard. In fact, I would argue it’s the most difficult aspect of the creative process. It’s just a lot easier to endlessly tweak your music than it is to confidently put the finishing touches on a song and release it out into the world. Nothing – and I mean nothing – is more detrimental to your growth as a music producer than getting in the habit of NOT finishing your music.
How to Use Reverses in Logic: 5 Creative TechniquesUsing reverse techniques in your music is a great way to add details, to add intricacies, to add energy and movement, or even just a splash of creativity. Personally, I am a HUGE fan of using reverse sounds in my music. Again, I just see it as a cool way to put a personal spin on a melody, and on top of that, reverses just sound cool.
6 Tips for Effective EDM Build UpsDon’t skimp on the details in your buildups. Your drop is only as good as the anticipation you create before it. Build ups are an opportunity to create tension, emotion, and much-needed energy in your music – because of this, they deserve your utmost attention. Build ups are an opportunity to create tension, emotion, and much-needed energy in your music – because of this, they deserve your utmost attention. I’m a firm believer that your drop is only as good as the build that precedes it.
7 Must-Know EQ Tips with Fab Filter Pro-Q2The purpose of this video isn’t to show off the bells and whistles of Pro-Q2, but rather to show what you are capable of as a producer when you get to know a plugin really well. It’s very easy to get caught up in every new plugin under the sun, but in reality, knowing just a few plugins inside and out is drastically more effective for you when it comes to making strides with your music.
Ultimate Guide to Layering & Humanizing Pianos in Electronic MusicElectronic music, by nature, is digital. And when things get overly digital, productions sound flat, predictable, even boring. But that doesn’t mean we have to limit our productions to only digital sounds. In fact, using organic instruments (or at the very least, emulations of organic instruments) is one of the best ways to generate some much needed analog warmth and timbre in your music. In this post, we are going to demystify exactly that – how to get a professional piano sound through proper layering, processing chains, and humanization.
The Best Guitar Amp Software and How to Use ItFamous guitarists from the likes of Steve Vai to Kirk Hammett to Eric Clapton to Jimmy Page, were well known for their obsession with tone & timber. Here are 8 creative ways to use popular guitar amp plugins to give sounds a lively, vintage, and distinct feel which will insert an analog warmth or crunch into your music.
The Ultimate Guide to the Loudness WarSo, why is the loudness war over? Well, all the streaming platforms have individually decided to match the loudness of the music on their platform to one singular loudness level. So, whether you make super loud dubstep or very light orchestral music, the average loudness our listeners will be listening at will always be the same.
The Ultimate Plugin Guide for Electronic MusicRules are meant to be broken. And the professionals break them every day. They just do it with a sense of purpose and reason. There’s nothing more wrong than telling you that one plugin is the best for all situations because frankly, in music production that type of ‘one size fits all solution’ doesn’t exist.
How to Achieve the Ultimate Kick Bass RelationshipAhhh. That elusive kick-bass relationship… There are few things better than perfectly nailing the low end of a track. For me, it’s up there with a warm cup of coffee on a brisk morning, jumping in the ocean on a hot summer day, putting on fresh, brand new socks for the first time, reading ‘Calvin & Hobbes’ by a fire after playing in the snow, or cuddling with 17 puppies at once.
103 Music Production Tips: Mixing, Mastering, Sound Design, Composition & MindsetIn reality, music production is a grind. It’s a true struggle – a beautiful pursuit that pairs a musical art-form with the technicalities of science. And I’m not going to lie, I love it. When things are clicking, sitting down and creating or engineering music is one of the most rewarding thrills I get to experience on a daily basis.
How to Know if Your Music is Good: 8 Ways You're Ruining Your MusicIn music production, however, there are some common poor practices that many producers do not even realize are part of their workflow and music creation process. The good part here, is that these are fixable items that, once addressed, will immediately improve the quality of your productions.
The Ultimate Guide to Multiband Compression: Tips, Techniques & PluginsInstead of aimlessly tweaking and adjusting knobs and parameters because it's fun to touch (and I admit, it is), let's demystify multiband compression. In fact, we're giving you 8 of our favorite multiband compression strategies and techniques, complete with video examples for each. Plus, this article contains a little list of our top 5 favorite multiband compression plugins.
A Simple Man's Guide to Basic Music Theory for ProducersAny online music theory course will present the same exact information in their course as what is in this article, albeit with some additional examples and exercises to work through. And with a little additional digging, some practice, some fundamental music theory, and a few modern-day music theory hacks, you’ll be well on your way to learning the necessities of music theory for computer musicians.
65+ Online Tools for Music Producers & ArtistsHere are over 65 of my favorite tools that I’ve used over the past 10 years to help me create music, manage my projects, tame distractions, improve my creativity, and generally make me a half-decent, relatively-productive human being. As a music producer, you might not only be asked to be a mixing engineer, a mastering engineer, a composer, and a sound designer (which are daunting on their own), but also a marketer, copywriter, graphic designer, web developer, manager, lawyer, and a business owner.
Music Industry Connections: How to Win Friends & Influence PeopleWe’ve all heard stories of insanely talented artists getting accidentally “discovered” – but, that only happens to an incredibly small number of people, and it’s nothing you can count on when it comes to your career in music. More likely than not, the next Adele is singing in a cover band in Des Moines, Iowa, and her music will never get heard by the right people that could help launch her career. There are probably hundreds of her all over the world.
Writer’s Block Isn't Real: 4 Limiting Beliefs in Music ProductionAny time you feel stranded in the sea of writer’s block, know that there’s always a way out: action. You don’t write music by thinking. You write music by doing. The purpose of this article is to give you four actionable strategies to help you let go of the limiting mindsets that are developed in the early years of producing music.
Top 8 Entry Level Hardware SynthsWhat about hardware synths? There are old and new brands. Prices are all over the board. And on top of that, there’s additional equipment you need to get the most out of a hardware synth, like cables and an audio interface. It can be a difficult and expensive decision to navigate. We’re going to clear this up once and for all.
20 Lessons in Running an Online Music Business I Wish I Knew When I StartedI wanted to write a letter to myself highlighting everything I’ve learned in building and running a music production school over the past few years because, quite frankly, it’s been the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life so far.
The Ultimate Guide to Starting Songs: 22 Foolproof TechniquesRemember this: where a song starts is less important than the fact that you’re making progress. The important things is to get started, and to keep moving forward to the best of your ability. Many well-remembered songs were written quickly, because hesitation is the death of creativity. Once you’ve identified the vibe you’re working with, you can use one of these fire-starters to get the track moving.
How to Use Reverb: The Ultimate Guide for Music ProducersI’ve put together a comprehensive guide for how to treat reverb like a professional. Just like anything within music production, knowing the principles isn’t enough. You must also have the right tools, and know when to use them. We’ll cover all of that!
12 Songwriting Tips For Music ProducersSure, beat-making is a blast. And it’s satisfying to dial in reverb to get it to sit just right. But writing a song… that’s the real deal. That’s what it’s all about. People don’t connect with EQ and compression. They connect with stories. When we’re talking about songs, we’re in the arena of vulnerability and connectedness. Common humanity and honesty. That’s songwriting.
The Best Way to Learn Music TheoryThe purpose of this article is to show you how to learn music theory. I’ll cover that top 20% at a high level, and link out to resources where you can further your knowledge. Remember - music theory isn’t theoretical. It’s not meant to be filed away in your mind. You win by applying these tools to a composition.
Redefining Sound Design: 5 Innovative TechniquesWith this article, I want to arm you with the tools you need to go back to your DAW with a discerning ear and an innovator’s mindset. I’ll share some of my favorite fresh sound design techniques, but it’s not enough to simply implement these techniques and call it a day. You must uncover the thought process behind these techniques, and begin to innovate yourself.
Our Top 10 Free Plugins For Music Producers in 2025Anyone who tells you don't need third-party plugins outside of your DAW is lying to you. In 2021, third-party plugins are necessary to get the job done when trying to create the highest caliber of professional sounding music. Here are our 10 absolute favorite, most impactful free tools we're using every day in 2021 (...and just FYI, this is NOT a list of 213254331434 plugins you don't need).
Sampling Kicks: How to Sample Kick Drums from Any SongSome producers swear by stealing kicks, while others claim it’s immoral and downright cheating. This article will breakdown and unpack the 4 most popular and effective ways to steal or sample kick drums, while also addressing the major concerns a producer might have when stealing sounds.
9 Best Ways to Learn Electronic Music ProductionBy focusing on proven techniques and methodologies, an up and coming producer can drastically lower the learning curve ahead of them. That said, here are 9 methods that have worked for me. These strategies allowed me to quit my corporate job, remix artists like Beyoncé and Tove Lo, work with labels like Universal, Sony & Ultra and eventually start an online music production school that has now helped thousands and thousands of music producers.
3 Reasons Music Producers & Musicians FailThe only thing I actually care about is helping you make better music. If I succeed in that, everything else in my life falls in place. And on that note, I see how easy it is for producers to fall into some bad habits. And sadly, over time, those habits can really dampen the creative process and lead to frustration, or even failure as a musician. And with that in mind, I put together the 3 most common reasons I've seen that contribute to producers failing in electronic music production.
10 Strategies to Heal Lower Back Pain for Music ProducersOver the years, I've seen aggressive lower back pain, but, I've also subsequently seen my lower back pain completely dissipate due to the strategies outlined in this article. Because of this, I feel like I am in a unique position to at least offer my story of what works, what doesn't work and most importantly, how you can potentially avoid a similar scenario all together.
8 Creative Ways to Use Sample Packs & SoundbanksOnce you’ve spent a few months (or maybe even years) building your sample library, you’ll come to realize that there are some extremely helpful and useful ways to utilize sample packs that might not be extremely obvious upfront. That said, here are 8 of my favorite creative methods when using sample packs and sound banks. That said, here are 9 methods that have worked for me. These strategies allowed me to quit my corporate job, remix artists like Beyoncé and Tove Lo, work with labels like Universal, Sony & Ultra and eventually start an online music production school that has now helped thousands and thousands of music producers.
How to Mix Music: 8 Technical Steps for BeginnersSo, how do you actually mix music? How do you make your volume levels right? How do you get rid of muddiness? How do you make music LOUD like the pros? What on earth are you supposed to do first?! Below are 8 technical steps for how beginners can mix music. Make sure you make it all the way to the end: numbers 5-7 are my top three processing tips. That said, here are 9 methods that have worked for me. These strategies allowed me to quit my corporate job, remix artists like Beyoncé and Tove Lo, work with labels like Universal, Sony & Ultra and eventually start an online music production school that has now helped thousands and thousands of music producers.
How to Master a Song in any DAWYou can master a song in any DAW. Yep, that’s right — Ableton, Logic, FL Studio, whatever you’re using, you can do your masters right there. And the best part? Mastering itself isn’t that hard, so long as you have a bit of guidance. Here is how you master a song in any DAW.
7 Ways to Write Better Melodies: Techniques & RulesWhat are good melody writing techniques that you can practice? Are there rules you can follow to write better melodies? The answer is yes. And guess what?! This isn’t a music theory article. This is an article that will provide you with practical, actionable tips to improve the melodies that you are writing today. Here are my techniques and rules to write better melodies.
7 Backward Lessons in Music Production That'll Piss You OffWhat are good melody writing techniques that you can practice? Are there rules you can follow to write better melodies? The answer is yes. And guess what?! This isn’t a music theory article. This is an article that will provide you with practical, actionable tips to improve the melodies that you are writing today. Here are my techniques and rules to write better melodies.
Making Money In Music With Multiple Income StreamsDon’t get me wrong, making money in music isn’t just something you’ll be able to pull off overnight. Quite frankly, it takes a lot of hard work and more often than not, it takes multiple income streams. Did you know that the average millionaire has at least 7 income streams? In fact, if I had to guess, the number of revenue streams in music might even be higher. Below are some of the strategies that have helped my business make millions of dollars in the music industry. This is how I pay rent, feed myself, go on vacation, donate to charity, and fuel my creativity.
The Ultimate Home Studio Setup: 21 Pieces of Gear You NeedYou love music — so much that you started actually producing music. Now you need the right tools. This guide will help breakdown all the equipment you should consider purchasing in your first two years of producing to help you create the ultimate home studio setup.
A Guide to De-Essing: It’s Not Just for Vocals AnymoreDe-essing is easily one of the most overlooked tools at your disposal that can make or break a mix. Historically known as a technique to treat vocals, we’re going to go way past that. In fact, we’ve created the ultimate guide to de-essing in so you can bring not just your vocals — but your mixes to the next level.
Slate Digital Plugins: Is this the Best Deal in Audio?Slate Digital Plugins and the Slate bundle are constantly growing. Since I became a subscriber in 2018 there have literally been dozens of software additions and multiple new company affiliations. By being a subscriber, you ensure your setup is future-proof.
How to Sample Any Sound: The End All GuideI’m writing this article to give you the ultimate, end all, be all guide of how to sample any sound. We’re going to give you actionable, tangible guidance on how to find great samples, clean them and process them in creative ways, and make them your own. Many of the best songs ever rely on samples, and you deserve to know how to sample.
The 15 Best Reverb Plugins in 2025Before we even get into discussing the best reverb plugins available, it’s important to talk about why we should even care. When I was newer to producing, I had difficulty understanding the purpose of purchasing additional reverbs. My DAW already has reverbs – why would I buy more?
The 25 Best Music Production Schools in the World TodayBeing on the frontlines of working with thousands of music producers every single year, many of which voice their prior frustrations and concerns with our team, we get direct feedback about schools that get results, as well as the ones that don’t. This puts us in a unique position to write this guide.
The Top 20 Best EQ Plugins in Music ProductionBecause there are so many EQ plugins in the music production landscape, I think it’s necessary to create the be-all, end-all list of the top 20 best EQ plugins today. If you’re a producer, I’m sure you understand how important EQ is. Great EQ work is fundamental to achieving clean mixdowns and creating great tracks.
How to Remix a Song: 71 Essential TipsRemixes are super useful to artists because it’s an easy way for them to extend the life of a release while they work on new music and content. They are also super useful to the remixer because they allow you to work with great-sounding vocals even when you don’t have access to a topliner. Here I’ll share the 50 essential tips every remix artist needs to know to up their game.
Stereo Imaging: The Complete Guide to a Wide MixWe perceive width when there is a difference in what we are hearing in each ear. Essentially, we aren’t really hearing width as much as we are hearing two different sounds panned to opposite sides so our brain tells us that there is sound coming to the side of us. The larger the difference between the sounds, the wider they will appear.
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Bass Lines in Electronic MusicWriting bass lines is a notoriously tricky task. The best bass lines are simple, yet tasteful and intricate. They create a familiar foundation in a track that guides a listener through the whole song. You might not know where a song is going to take you, but a great bass line will have your head bobbing and your feet moving through the whole journey.
Autotune Plugins: The 8 Best in 2025Because there are so many EQ plugins in the music production landscape, I think it’s necessary to create the be-all, end-all list of the top 20 best EQ plugins today. If you’re a producer, I’m sure you understand how important EQ is. Great EQ work is fundamental to achieving clean mixdowns and creating great tracks.
Our Top 20 Best Delay Plugins for Music Production in 2025Delay adds a variety of new dimensions to your music. You can create width and size, fill out empty space, add a spatial dimension to a sound in a manner that is more controlled than adding reverb, and creatively reshape the timbre of your synths. Delays allow you to make simple sounds feel larger-than-life.
Why Reference Tracks are the Secret to Professional Sounding MusicHow should you go about choosing reference tracks? You aren’t choosing the best overall tracks out there. You are selecting the tracks that have that best singular elements you are going to reference. And, again, you should be picking multiple reference tracks for each of your own songs.
Hyperbits Masterclass Student Spotlight: Joel FreckJoel admits that, before taking the Masterclass, he lacked the confidence needed to bring his productions to the next level. If you relate, whether its mixing, sound design, or anything in-between, the Masterclass will give you the tools you need to crush your music production goals.
The 10 Best SSL Compressors in 2025SSL compressor are critical in adding attitude to a vocal, controlled expression to instruments and synths, and drive and presence to a mix bus. This isn’t the go-to compressor for every sound in a track, but when applied on the last bus or essential elements, they make sounds feel expensive.
Hyperbits Masterclass Student Spotlight: Adam TurleyAdam Turley is an alumni of the Masterclass who is crushing it in the pop music industry. After getting tired of poor quality tutorials online, Adam jumped into the Masterclass and quickly amassed hundreds of thousands of plays shortly after graduating.
Ultimate Guide To Drum ProgrammingWhat separates basic drum programming from outstanding drum programming is all in the details. A generic house pattern on an 808 machine will sound rigid and sterile. But affecting the same loop's syncopation, envelopes, and timing can make the pattern come alive with momentum, swing, and a ton of danceability.
Layering Sounds: 20 Professional StrategiesWriting bass lines is a notoriously tricky task. The best bass lines are simple, yet tasteful and intricate. They create a familiar foundation in a track that guides a listener through the whole song. You might not know where a song is going to take you, but a great bass line will have your head bobbing and your feet moving through the whole journey.
Top 13 Best Piano VSTs and Plugins in 2025 that Sound IncredibleWe’re about to breakdown the best piano VSTs and plugins that sound absolutely incredible. Why? Well, what is the most universal musical instrument? The one to rule them all? I think most music lovers and musicians alike would be the piano.
40+ Essential Logic Pro Shortcuts You Need to KnowLogic Pro X is an incredibly capable digital audio workstation, packed with features. However, with so many different ways to do the same thing, it can take time to get used to the way Logic works. Thankfully, shortcuts can dramatically speed up your workflow.
Hyperbits Masterclass Student Spotlight: Sam WelchFresh off our collaboration on the track "Another Life," and after racking up millions of streams on his own, I sat down with Sam Welch to talk about his best advice for new producers and how the Hyperbits Masterclass helped him achieve his musical goals.