100 Home Studio Design Ideas Inspiration 1

100+ Home Studio Design Ideas & Inspiration

100+ Home Studio Design Ideas & Inspiration

““Good art inspires; Good design motivates.”

— Otl Aicher

The coolest thing about owning an online business is that when a resource doesn't exist (like, you know...the most-bad ass article on the internet showcasing 100+ home studio design ideas and inspiration), I can simply go ahead and build it.

So that's what we're doing here. I wanted to create a post that not only categorizes different music production home studio styles into various buckets, but also acts as near infinite inspiration when it comes to building your dream home studio.

So whether you're into clean, minimal studios, or dirty, messy, organized chaos, you'll find the inspiration you need below. Here's a key to the buckets below.




"I'd buy a book full of tips like these."
- Some dude on Reddit

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home studio mockup




"I'd buy a book full of tips like these."
- Some dude on Reddit

5 Ideas to Inspire Your Home Studio Setup

But before we get into 100+ home studio design ideas, we thought we would take you through a tour of Masterclass Lead Instructor, Zach Montoya's studio, above. It's a simple, bedroom studio that has everything you'd ever need to make professional quality music.

That said, let's get into this post...

Famous Producer Studios

And we'll start our hunt for inspiration with famous producer studios.

The choice to start here was obvious, as many of these musicians have achieved their dream studios.

This means budget was likely not an issue, and these 'famous producers' were able to build both an aesthetically pleasing home studio, as well as a functional environment that gets the job done.

Home Studio - Zedd

What I like most about Zedd's space is the mostly monochromatic, simple wood choice through out. Surely, acoustics were a top priority for Zedd, with an emphasis on minimal design. The pops of color are vibrant and lively (just like his music).

Home Studio - The Chainsmokers
The Chainsmokers

When I look at this studio from The Chainsmokers, I think functionality. It clearly is optimized for laptop production, and checks all the major boxes. A little bit of hardware as needed, dual screens, and this space gets the job done.

Home Studio - Steve Aoki
Steve Aoki

Cool, calming blues likely act as a stark contrast to Aoki's hectic touring schedule. A nice balance of modern aesthetics with a core focus on functionality, and a carpet that kicks ass.

Home Studio - Hardwell

This studio looks like a futuristic space ship from the original Alien movies. Its clean, almost lab-like environment portrays a serious, professional work environment.

Home Studio - Hardwell
Nicky Romero

Much like Hardwell's studio, the space looks clean, lab-like and futureistic. Dark floors give it a bit more of homey vibe which is certainly a nice touch.

Home Studio - Deadmau5

Deadmau5's studio conveys one thought: this dude loves hardware. The studio is built to satisify Joel's nerdy side, and it gets the job done in a clean, efficient mannor despite the incredible amount of hardware and wiring needed to pull this off.

Home Studio - Martin Garrix
Martin Garrix

Martin Garrix's home studio design is another in the line of progressive house DJs who went the LED lit, clean, futuristic and minimal vibe with their studio. With an emphasis on acoustics, my first thought about this studio: I would love to try listening to music here.

Home Studio - Above & Beyond
Above & Beyond

This utilitarian studio looks like an obsessed hobbyist more so than an environment of three international electronic dance music stars. Let this be a reminder that less is more. None the less, this studio is cozy, warm and extremely inviting.

Home Studio - Squarepusher

This home studio from Squarepusher looks like you're stepping into a friend's living room. Some organized chaos, a few instruments, and plenty of hardware looks like an environment that you could easily spend hours in.

Home Studio - Headhunterz

This studio is industrial, small and compact. Minimal use of hardware, likely a custom built desk, and this home studio design certainly gets the job done.

Home Studio - Kygo

Kygo's home studio design is more or less reflective of many, many bedroom producers. And don't underestimate the value of that window. While window's are not' ideal for acoustics, they do a lot in regards to sanity.

Home Studio - Abby Road
Abby Road

The Abby Road studios makes me want to sink into that couch with some friends and stay up all night making music. Wood, brick and a bright red ascent wall plays nicely with a retro leather couch.

Cave-Darkened Home Studios

Ahh, the cave-darkened home studio design is an extension of the man-cave. If you Google the definition of a man-cave, it's pretty spot on: a room or other part of a home used by a man as a place to relax and pursue hobbies away from the rest of the family.

Could that be more accurate? Check out some of our favorites below.

This Ableton workspace is perfectly staged. A basement that practically screams creativity despite likely less than ideal acoustics.

Another Ableton workspace that looks like a man-cave. Not much in the way of aesthetics, but creative and simple none-the-less.

If this studio we found on Reddit doesn't scream man-cave, I don't know what does. Bass traps, a tiny bit of acoustic panels and some simple Christmas lights put this studio together.

This basement studio is impressive in that it contains a lot of equipment in a small space. Again, some ascent lighting does wonders here.

Meanwhile, Oberlin Sound Attic and Royal Street Orchestra are making Avid Pro Tools look very tasty in Germany...

Nothing crazy going on here. Lots of heavy, acoustic panels, and some JBL monitors get the job done.

A self-coined 'drum and bass jungle' this basement studio is clean and aesthetically beautiful, looking like a gentleman's man cave.

This boutique recording studio in Chicago is owned and operated by producer/engineer Matt Griffo.

Building a home studio design under a staircase adds character, and the carpet somehow acts perfectly in harnessing the chaos above it.

It's very possible that every producer starts with Ikea. And it makes sense I’m starting think every producer starts off with Ikea furniture at some point, but why not? It’s cheap and accessible and— it's affordable and easy to build. You can also grab complete instructions on how to build this studio here.

Not sure if it is the soft canvas acoustic panels or the warm lighting, but this studio is about as inviting as it gets despite the cave like environment.

You might've seen this studio around the internet before, and that's because it is part of Unsplash — the internet’s source of freely usable images. Regardless, we love the teal blue walls, dark environment, and extensive amounts of hardware. This space encourages a creative mindset.

If you have a little bit of extra space in your studio, it might be worth investing in standalone sound rooms like Whisperroom. Used by top studios, these customizable sound booths can elevate even the most humble studios!

LED-Lit Home Studios

Not only is LED lighting beautiful and exciting, but it's practical. LED is highly energy efficient. That means less heat, more light, and lower cost.

You can actually use less electricity for the same light output - 85% less electricity when compared to conventional lighting and around 18% less electricity compared to CFL when using LED.

A great functional space that is very much elevated by the cool, blue light.

Psychedelic vibes never hurt nobody! Tapestries, colored lighting...looks like a great Saturday night to me!

Overly bright LED lights, an epic multi-screen background and this studio has some serious Miami Vice vibes.

An incredible studio with a clean, functional aesthetic. But I can't stop looking at the storm trooper with headphones on. The lesson here? There's nothing wrong wit showing some personality.

Lot's of saturated lighting from Andi Ziller in Germany. A lively, bright, creative space.

Stonegate Recording Studios in England makes me feel like I am commanding fleet from Startship Troopers. That beer looks tasty as well. Worth noting: lighting behind the acoustic panels is a nice touch.

Awesome ascent lighting from this French music producer.

Could we have put this home studio design into the darkened-cave category? Absolutely. But the bright lights do wonders in coloring and changing the space. This is now less man-cave and more LED lit and alive.

This busy but effective home studio design uses another Ikea desk to pack a whole hell of a lot of audio gear.

Wow. This studio is more like fantasy than reality. If you're looking to invest in a custom desk or even DIY it, here are full instructions on how to build this.

The warm yet cool LED lit studio is from Archie Beatz and it draws a fine line between functionality and creativity.

Despite all the colorful lights, this studio looks more like an art gallery than a home studio.

This 100% DIY studio is clean, simple and beautiful. According to the original builder, the materials cost somewhere in the ballpark of 300€. You'll need some rockwool, lots of wood and carpet, 2.5 meter tall bass traps in all four corners, 6 standing panels and an overhead one. Well done!

Plant-Forward Home Studios

Indoor plants don’t just look good, they actually make us feel better and according to science, make us feel better.

Plants can boost mood, productivity, concentration and creativity, reduce stress and fatigue, and even clean indoor air by absorbing toxins, increasing humidity and producing oxygen.

Plus, they just look dope. Plants are my personal favorite part of creating studio vibes that inspire creativity and cultivate a workspace I actually want to spend time in.

I'm not sure if its the books the instruments, the vinyl, the desk, the amps, or the fact that the plants and painting tie everything together — but this room is near perfect.

This space is a little cluttered, but the plants still generate a ton of warmth and openness. This speaks to what plants can do to any room, assuming you have a window, of course.

Ok this picture doesn't do it justice, but this is actually a studio built in a greenhouse, and it's pretty incredible.

Some natural light, some plants, some hardware, this is everything a man needs. Also side note, is that a bottle of hot sauce on the table? If so, well played. Very well played.

Again, without some plants, this room would be...interesting. Throw in some greens and this space instantly comes to life.

Plants kick ass. Need I say more?

I'm not totally positive these aren't weed plants, but hey, green is green.

Again, I'm amazed at how a busy, cluttered room full of equipment can be brought to life with some plants. Remove the plants here and you're left with any old busy studio.

This studio is perhaps staged for a live performance, but again, plants and various accent lighting is doing all the work here. If anything, the lesson is that your equipment is already beautiful. Vibe items like lighting, plants, windows, natural light, etc. just go a long way in emphasizing your home studio design.

Minimal-Clean Home Studios

Minimalism isn't just about throwing stuff out. In fact, it's a way of life. It can help encourage peace of mind, can help you destress and even save you some dough for your wallet.

Our physical possessions are actually linked to our mental health. Which is why studies show that when we do something as simple as clean out our closets, it has a massive impact on our mental clarity. Plus, even science has shown that there is a direct correlation between cleanliness and productivity.

What would happen to your creativity in a clean, minimal space? Let's find out if this inspires you.

The guitar pedals lined up on the left along the invisible shelves have already boosted my mood, and I'm just looking at a photo of a studio.

Clean, symmetric, and simple. Throw in a few plants and an updated monitor, and studio would be near ideal...

Another powerful, clean, robust studio that elegantly combines minimalism and loud home studio design.

There's a lot going on here and yet the room looks practically empty. Hang your hat friend, good work.

Another simple studio that evokes minimalism. Hide a few of those wires and you've got my attention.

Sure, that old iMac needs replacing, but the rest is about as clean as it gets.

This composer that is inspired by technology finished his home studio design by adding sound absorbers from Skumacoustics, as well as table stands from Isoacoustics.

This home studio design costs about $100 because, well, Ikea. Very easy to DIY and only a few custom adjustments make this desk an easy, simple and dare I say, minimal solution.

This minimalistic home studio has plenty of room for basic gear, and only costs about $334 in parts via, you guessed it, Ikea. Here's a great set of instructions to replicate this for yourself.

Not all studios need to be packed with expensive hardware. This studio achieves everything you need via a barebones setup. Plus, the dual screens provide a ton of flexibility.

This home studio design from Mountclear Productions is pretty damn epic. The acoustic panels are an incredible statement piece in an otherwise white, clean and simple room. I absolutely love the angular ceiling panels and roof panel absorbers as an incredible statement piece in an otherwise white, clean and simple room. Modern gear against the rustic wood tones of the vintage dresser, and a down-to-earth couch helps contrast the room perfectly.




"I'd buy a book full of tips like these."
- Some dude on Reddit

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home studio mockup




"I'd buy a book full of tips like these."
- Some dude on Reddit

Messy Home Studios

Albert Einstein famously said, "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"

Touche Einstein! According to science, it turns out that messy people use chaos as creative fuel, challenge the status quo, and much much more.

A 2013 study led by Kathleen Vohs at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management found that disorderly spaces ramp up creativity and innovation. By contrast, keeping the vibe neat and tidy appeared to "encourage convention and playing it safe."

That said, here is some of our favorite messy home studio designs.

Another Ableton studio full of organized chaos.

Plants, boxes, wiring, instruments, headphones, guitar strings, and an iPhone box for good measure. This studio is pushing my cleanliness limits...

Seemingly built out of a closet, the stacks of books, the color blankets, and plentiful guitar pedals actually make this space warm and inviting.

3 empty cans of some sort of energy drink makes me want to have a birds eye view of this studio at 3 AM on a Saturday morning, no doubt it's prime usage hours...

Now THIS is sick. Seemingly all the music equipment in the world has been pushed into a small corner of a room. This is a great use of wall space. Messy but organized in it's own way.

What a cool wall. Messy sketches, drawings and freehand make up for an incredible aesthetic in this home studio design.

Let this studio be an example of how messy loose wiring can be, because this space is otherwise quite clean.

Only messy because of the sheer amount of gear, but none the less, a cool space clearly made by a true lover of music production.

A messy yet wildly minimal and simple studio that checks all the boxes.

Not sure this one totally qualifies as messy. Give the bass guitar, electric guitar and acoustic guitar a proper home and this studio makes a lot of progress.

Small-Space Home Studios

Small spaces are ultra cozy and force you to get organized. They also are likely less expensive to maintain and promote sustainability in multiple ways.

Musicians aren't exactly raking in the dough, so we figured there would be plenty of small space home studio designs that make the cut for this section. Let's jump in.

Utilizing an L shaped corner desk can be a huge space saver.

Sure, these monitors are placed next a wall which is not ideal, but this studio achieves a lot in a tiny space. Plus, some strategic acoustic panels likely helps mitigate some nasty first reflections and sub build up.

I can't stress enough how much I love the wood toned speakers paired with the wooden desk and the wood of the guitar and keyboard stand. This studio is a thing of beauty.

Not much to say here. A classic bedroom studio setup packing a lot of punch in a small space.

What a functional setup in a small space with an angled wall. Love the decision to use wall space for a monitor. The swivel microphone stand by Rode is great as well...

This studio doesn't pretend to be anything that it isn't. Just a functional, small bedroom with a lot of equipment that is all accessible from the studio chair itself. Well done!

Hanging guitars, amps on desks, an extended ultra-wide desk with dual monitors — this home studio design is super cool and achieves a lot in a small space.

I'm always amazed how much can fit on a desk if you simply position your equipment in a functional, form-fitting way. Great use of space here.

This is sick. Clean, aesthetic as fuck, minimal, and yes, a very small space that looks much larger!

While I'm almost certain the acoustics here are not ideal, I love this space for creation. Books, shelves, speakers, everything you need to get started creating music.

For a small space, this space looks, well, kind of big? You've got great lighting, an addictive L shape design, and super cozy, snug, intimate carpet to thank for that.

Wow. The aubergine color pallet here creates a royal, almost aristocratic vibe here. Love, love, love.

Window-Centric Home Studios

In short, windows are not ideal in serious, professionally treated rooms. Glass gives an annoying bright slap that can really screw with a mix.

But that said, some of us place our own sanity above ideal acoustic conditions.

Plus, as long as you learn how your room translates across commercial systems, it's arguable that any studio can create ideal conditions for mixing purposes regardless of the conditions you mix in.

Again, windows might not be ideal for mixing, but they sure can go a long way in keeping us happy, inspired, and motivated.

After looking at so many studios without windows, this is a breath of fresh air. The plants + views make for a room I could spend all day in.

Imagine opening up those doors and creating music all day.

This studio combines lab like minimalism and cleanliness with open air, factory style windows that surely cause some acoustic issues, but hey, that sunshine looks beautiful.

I love everything about this true bedroom studio. Big lush windows, a cozy carpet, a bright orange accent chair pairs well with the wood and equipment.

I can't stop staring at the Neve 8058 AND the windows. What a beautiful room via Capital Records.

Ok I'm not sure where the forest begins and the studio ends, or if there are even windows here, but this looks beautiful none the less.

This country home in Nashville is sporting some great views and a neatly, tucked in corner studio for the home hobbyist, right off a small dining area. If this isn't a creative home studio design, I don't know what is.

What looks more like a wood working bench has been transformed into a beautiful yet narrow, window-centric home studio design.

Realistically, I could stare at leaves on a tree swaying in the wind with the sun poking through for hours at a time. Because of that, this studio might end up being one hell of a distraction, but none the less, this place is beyond alluring.

Between the view, indoor plants, and massive window, nothing about this studio feels fatiguing to get work done.

Wood-Focussed Home Studios

When it comes to a home studio design, perhaps nothing is more ideal for acoustic treatment than wood — wooden floors, wooden walls (as sound diffusors), even wooden ceilings — all can play an incredible role is creating the studio of your dream because wood absorbs noise.

Plus, wood is a natural thermal insulator which means you'll end up saving a considerable amount of energy compared to a brick, concrete or stone house.

I don't even know where to begin with this studio. The dark, near black accent wall, the wooden bass traps, the tall ceilings and wide windows...sign me up!

These floors act as a connecting glue to this beige, soft space.

If anyone knows where this desk is from, please get in touch so we can credit the builders of this incredible piece.

Ok, so there is no such thing as too much wood.

This looks like an elegant desk that belongs to a general. It comes across as heavy and bulky, yet clean and minimal.

The light wood certainly feels more modern. As a bare bones setup, this home studio design is off to an incredible start. For reference, the desk is made by Chunky Studio Furniture.

Another IKEA hack desk but this time with a custom made oak rack, Alesis M1 Active monitors, 90s Kenwood stereo, Fractal Audio AXE FX II and a Focusrite 18i20.

Simplified Building did a great job laying out all the specs to custom build this desk. You can scope it out right here.

Wooden blocks that act as speaker stands? Sign me up. This home studio design is a bit funky, but is strangely balanced and accommodating.

This studio is part keyboard, part home studio, part office, and I will say it gets the job done very well.

Never Too Much Gear Studios

Beyond the aesthetically pleasing rooms, the minimal designs and the messy creative spaces exists a completely different animal — the pure obsessed gear head.

The 'Never too Much Gear Studio' is likely run by an extremely rare breed of music producer. One with near-infinite access to resources, and an unquenchable thirst to acquire the latest and greatest.

While I'm happy I'm not this producer, I certainly respect this producer and love to check out these studios.

There's a lot of gear, and then there's a TON of a gear.

There's also even more gear...

This studio is really just a set for a sci-fi film from the 80s.

I didn't know it was possible to feel claustrophobic because of too much gear.

A funky room that that could record a full band. Impressive use of spacing.

Are we routing government technologies via morse code? No, we're just creating music...

After the last few studios, this one barely feels overwhelming.

This home studio looks like a wave of synths.

Not quite sure how you would ever reach all of those speakers back there, but an impressive collection none the less.

A home basement studio built by 2egress, this project took years to complete.

I'm counting 14+ synths that I can see in Steve Cain's studio, but his favorite gear is the Roland SH-5 (with a very close second being the Maxi-Korg). The SH-5 offers more functionality and pure sound-generating power than anything else in his home studio kit.

And now I know it's possible to overdo the amount of screens I own.

Hyperbits Masterclass Alumni

We've had over 700 students pass through our Hyperbits Masterclass. They certainly know how to put together some pretty incredible studio designs of all varieties.

Here are a few of our favorites that have come together over the last few years.

Ashwin Raman

Ashwin has plenty of screen real estate and a solid workstation for getting into it with MIDI programming.

Cal Oar

Cal has certainly created a vibe. Sometimes simple lighting like this really sets the tone for what you create musically.

Dana Haynes

Knowing your strengths and playing to them is important for any studio. Dana knows that when she needs a keyboard to play through some ideas, all she has to do is turn to the left.

David Wright

David is rocking an Output Platform desk just like me. Simple, clean, and effective for getting the job done.

Jaxon Fogg

Jaxon works in a tight space but seems to have all the essentials right within arms reach. I've always wanted to try out a Sub-Pac also :)

Jeremiah Novoa Vazquez

It always is a solid choice to make creating music feel like you're creating something out of this world. Jeremiah has accomplished that with a futuristic studio. It makes me feel like I'm traveling in a brand new spaceship.

John O Brien

John has certainly had his fun purchasing some hardware synths. Being able to jump on and play makes all the difference in the world.

Jonathan Jeong

Jonathan has an ideal monitor and screen placement. His head can remain in the mixing position while also getting full use out of his two screens.

Ryan Cossoff

Your studio doesn't have to be super fancy in every single way. Make use of what you have like Ryan did to create fun, makeshift speaker stands.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it. 100+ home studio design ideas for your inspirational and motivational needs. With so many different aesthetics, it's hard to get started in building an ideal home studio.

Often, less is more. With electronic music production, there is no need to spend countless of thousands of dollars on hardware, when the software emulations are nearly as good (and getting better every day).

Of course, if you're a gear-head and love collecting hardware, by all means — go for it. But keep in mind that hardware is not necessary in order to create the highest quality music imagine-able. And we teach you exactly how to conquer advanced music production in the Hyperbits Masterclass.

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A bit about me in case you're new here: my music has been streamed over 52+ million times.

I've done official remixes for artists like Beyonce, Tove Lo, and Nick Jonas, signed record deals with Universal, Island, and Sony, and worked with brands like Target, Samsung, and Equinox. I've even DJed some of the world's biggest stages, like Electric Daisy Carnival, Terminal 5, Fonda Theater, and Echostage.

If you have questions about music production or the Hyperbits Masterclass get in touch. I'm here to help.




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"I'd buy a book full of tips like these."
- Some dude on Reddit